Portal:Perl for Profit

From Perl Guilds - Getting Medieval with Perl
Revision as of 14:09, 4 February 2025 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Introduction == Making money is not a bad thing. We are not a bunch of insane Communists, though Perl has its share of them. This page is to highlight companies that make a lot of money thanks to Perl. == The List == === Small and Medium Sized Companies === ==== cPanel / WebPros ==== ==== Fastly ==== ==== IMDB ==== === Large Companies === ==== Amazon ==== === Booking.com === === Governental, Non-Profies, and NGOs ===")
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Making money is not a bad thing. We are not a bunch of insane Communists, though Perl has its share of them. This page is to highlight companies that make a lot of money thanks to Perl.

The List

Small and Medium Sized Companies

cPanel / WebPros



Large Companies



Governental, Non-Profies, and NGOs