Note: If you wish to be included here, please volunteer to help maintian this resource and make some contributions as a domain specific expert, that can help Perl programmers make a living on their own.
Site Admin:[edit | edit source]
Brett Estrade[edit | edit source]
I am an idependant Perl contractor based in Houston, Texas. If you found this page looking for a contract Perl programmer, you may reach me for a free quote or see a summary of skills and services here.
Areas of expertise: Perl, large scale ETL, High Performance Computing (OpenMP), SaaS backends
Perl Community involvement: Leader of Houston Perl Mongers, Chairman of the Science Perl Committee, Co-editor of the Science Perl Journal, Co-organizer of the Bi-annual Perl Community Conference, CPAN Author
Topical Contributions: wxPerl/Perl GUIs, getting paid, ETL, eBay, OpenMP, concurrency, HPC - see change log